Today I'm just going to roll with some thoughts. This weekend my daughter brought my grandsons over. The oldest is my son's son, he's 20, I hadn't seen him in a year and half. He hadn't changed much. The youngest is my daughter's, he's 4. In some ways they alike. You can see it in some of the their actions. It's really kind of funny, I'll see Cody do something and it reminds me of Josh when he was little. I'm going to share a picture of the 3 of us. If we were standing Josh would tower over me by about a foot, whic
h he loves. Took him a long time to get taller than Grandma. Cody wanted to know when he would. He's still in the cuddle stages though. Which I'm really going to miss in a couple years. Although Josh still likes his head & back rubs. I really enjoyed my visit with them. Friday night we had a spagetti feed and had their Uncle Steve up (my middle child), who they both love.
Then Sat. Bob came up (Josh's dad) and they went to Conconully, while Kim took Cody and went down to her cousins. When everybody came back we hit Walmart. Cody & Josh went to the toy department with Uncle Bob. Kim & I hit the groceries. Then home to watch the Incredibles, (we have left the XMen for them). I'm not to impressed with it. Then we all went to Chinese (this is Kim's favorite). Everybody was stuffed and brought home left overs. Yummy for Grandpa & I. Sunday morning we always have a family breakfast at the Eagles, where we meet my brother, sister & spouses. We pretty much wore out the waitress. My niece and family, my nephew, all of us and my step-daughter were all there (17). Everybody headed home about noon. Chuck & I took naps. Still haven't made up the beds for new company. Could be cause we are headed on vacation on Sunday.
I'm off to the Dr. this morning. Somebody let a bug loose and I caught it. Course it's settled in my lungs. I can't go on a trip if I'm sick so better nip it. Other than someone sitting on my chest I feel pretty good. Think I need a antibiotic to go with my predozine.
Hope I didn't bore you to much. I'll get back to making stuff soon. I have a ten different card swap going so be warned. I've also got my cards coming back from the background I made, can't wait to share them. Till next time. Enjoy your day.
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