This card is pretty cool. Love the flower, it's stamped on and the center has a piece of background paper un the glass. The hat has a piece of lime colored ribbon around it and the bow is lime. The paper behind my background piece is lime also. The lady that made this card really pulled the colors out of the background. It was one of my favorites. Thank you to the card maker. I wish sometimes we'd add a slip of paper so we knew who did what.
This next card is real cute. You'll reconize one of the background pap
ers as one I used on a card. These backgrounds are stitched all the way around. The lines are perfect, I can't get mine that way. The flowers and vase are stamped on the background paper then colored with pencil. The middles look to be yellow liquid glass. The edge of the card is distressed with copper ink. The edges of the circle and center are edged with turquoise ink. The little Sweetie word is a sticker and the ribbon is the copper. Just a very nice card. Thank you card maker.
Now for news from the home front. I have my eggs all boiled for a birthday potluck we're going to this afternoon. Just have to peel and make deviled eggs. I even have most of my stuff ready for my class this morning. I always worry about these classes and how many I'll have. Need 5 to break even. Hope I have more, you just never know. Suppose to play cards later tonight. Then up bright and early to head south. I probably won't do much posting unless we decide to play. Will be busy do other things I imagine. Want to go to Reno one day to the fabric outlet. Yes, probably do a little gambling on the side. So my friends have a great week and I'll visit again when I can.