I didn't do much yesterday. Did get my card swap ready to go. So that will be my share today. The technique on this card is called " Hair Mousse", from Splitcoast Stampers. Here is what you need. Glossy Paper, Hair mousse and 3 reinkers. Shake your Mousse so it comes out foamy, (you can use
any that foams). Spray on the glossy paper. Now drop reinker on the foamy spots. These should start to spread. If not roll your paper back and forth so it moves on the paper. You can use a toothpick to help move it by pulling the toothpick through it. Let dry completely. You could use your heat gun to help it along, just don't get to close as this paper burns easily. If it curls when dry put a heavy book on it. Hope you enjoy this technique and try it. They don't turn out the same, but close. On this card, I used Goldrush, Orange and Sunny Yellow from CTMH. I don't know who the butterfly stamp is from. The Spring is from a set from CTMH. They were stamped on a transparency. I used Goldrush eyelets and tied Raffia through them. It's a different type of background kind of like shavecreme.

For those local, I doing a Event Calendar Workshop on Sunday, Feb. 21 at the East School Library. It is a prepay of $16, this pays for the calendar and the supplies. I will need your pay by Feb. 8. So that calendars and supplies can be ordered. I sent an email to most of you, so you can email me or call.
That's it for today, hopefully I have something new tomorrow. Welcome to the first day of February. We have no snow, just a dreary day so far. Maybe the ground hog won't see his shadow tomorrow. I'm ready for sunny days.
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