I forgot yesterday to say where the layout came from. It was from the package from Martine Morris. I love the layouts she sent. The one's today are from her box. The reason I'm say from the boxes of so and so, is sometimes we swap with other consultants and have no pictures to go with their layout page. When something like this comes up we donate those pages, hoping someone else can use them. The same is true with cards. I belong to a lot of g
roups that have swaps and I can't always use all the cards so I donate them to Nursing homes or whatever group can use them. If one of the layouts has the consultants name on the back I'll give them credit for their work. Today I'm going to try and share two layouts. This is what I mean by a layout. You would have laughed your head off if you of watched me take these pictures. I was in my pj's on the chair so I could get both pages in. It's a little hard to see some of the stuff, so I'll fill you in. In circle layout it's a kit. At the top on both pages says Remember this Moment. On the right page above the picture it says, Two of a kind and below i
t says Friends. It's done in tans and blues.
Layout number 2 is done in blue, orange, green and purple and comes from a kit. For embellishments it has eyelets on the left page and a orange ribbon on the right. These are quick and easy ways to scrapbook. They can be embellished however you like. I have a couple of these kits that I bought because I needed something that wouldn't take alot of time to complete and I really like how they looked when finished.
In both of these scrapbooks you see alot of different styles and ways to scrapbook. Alot of us buy items and stash them, then buy some more. Pretty soon we have so much we don't know where to start or what we have. I love paper and have piles of it. I decided I have to use some of it before I buy more. Doing pages for these scrapbooks have helped. Except I should have made two of each page cause I really like how some of them turned. Now I either make some more or buy the album. We'll see come Sat.
Until tomorrow, Hugs,
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