Hope everyone had a great Christmas and remembered to thank our service people away from home for doing what they do so we can have our celebrations. We had a wonderful day, very quiet. All but one kid and 2 grandkids were home. Had calls from all. Christmas eve was celebrated with my side of the family. Everybody went to my nieces for snacks. We had a real good time.
I always have one blupper happen on Christmas, this year was no different. It's par I'll get one batch of cookies burnt on the bottom. This one took the cake though. The funny thing was the night before a friend was laughing about making Sticky Buns and how they went over the pan. I asked how many buns she used and she said, "Oh, the whole bag". So thinking I wouldn't do that I only used all but 3. Darn if the same thing didn't happen. They did turn out real good, but I had to do some rearranging so I could cook them. Maybe I learned something, then again maybe not..JPG)
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and has their resolutions ready for New Years. Here's mine: #1. Be thankful for what you have, you'll never keep up with the Jones. #2. Strive for good health. #3. Do Not say bad things or call names about people you don't care for, (This one is going to be the hardest). That's it to do more is setting myself up for failure. Thanks for coming by stop by again.
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