Seems like it's been forever since I posted. Life pretty much got in the way. We lost my brother in March. Since then things have been crazy. School got out for me the first part of May, then the work really began, getting stuff ready for our closing the books on the year. In June I went to a fun workshop in Ellensburg with my boss and another gal. Wow! Did I learn alot. It's not easy to cram alot in an older brain. The end of June and the first week of July we spent at my brothers in Nevada, just relaxing and having fun. Then Summer School started. We ended on Friday. In between all this I have been making cards off and on.

The new Idea Book is out. Only 15 of the 60 colors of cardstock come in 24 sheets. The prices went up to $14.50 for all colors but White Daisy and Colonial White which is $9.50. The good news is the stamp prices went down. You need to get a book to see the changes. So call me or email me for one. Free with $25 order or $2.
This is it for now. Hope you like the card. Have a grand day.