Monday, November 30, 2009
Wonderful Thanksgiving Week
On Friday we did the early morning thing. My daughter picked my sister, sister-in-law & I up at 3:45 for Penneys. My granddaughter hit the jackpot there. I got most all of her Christmas presents and what she wanted. I'm very proud of myself. Youngest grandson did pretty good too. Then it was off to Walmart. Kim (daughter) got a great buy on DVD players for the car, so she bought 2 for less than she paid for the last one she bought. I loaded up on p.j's for the boys. Also got a couple pair of pants for me. I like comfort, so alway buy big. This time I bought to fit and there to big. Think I'm losing weight, yea! Then it was home and napping. In the afternoon the kids all came for leftovers.
Sat. we had the big burn (burned our pile of limbs we've collected for 2 years) and invited friends for a chili feed. Was great, had 20 people. Still have chili and cornbread. We'll be eating chili for months, got a little carried away with it.
Yesterday was sad for me as everybody had to head home. My house is now very quiet and kind of lonesome, just Chuck, I and the cat. The cats lost cause his friend left. I'm sad cause family left and Chuck just shakes his head at both of us.
Today is back to normal living, laundry, cleaning and teaching. I have 2 swaps to get out today, so that means I'll have to share tomorrow, when they are on the way. Till then take care and come back again.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Mrs. Santa
Today, my sister, sister-in-law and I made cards. Sunny made 13, Kim made 25 and I made 9. Most of Kim's were the same and done on the Cuttlebug, with some stamping of sayings. Sunny's were a mix of both. Mine were some that I had already cut and 3 were new.
This card is one of the new 3. The stamp is from I Brake for Stamps. The backgrounds of the 3 are all different. This one is Christmas Balls folder, Cuttle Bugged on Iridescent vellum. It really shines, the image is backed with Cranberry from CTMH and stamped on White Daisy. It was also colored with Cranberry, Topiery, Parchment and Baby Pink all CTMH. The fur on 2 of them is done with Prisma Glitter and the other one with Delta Decorative Snow. I think she's pretty cute. The one with the snow has blond hair. Cranberry brads were used on all three. The inside says " May your Merry be Very", not sure who it's by. Needless to say we had a great time. Will do it all again on Friday. Maybe I'll get more done then.
Tomorrow we are off to Wenatchee, window shopping, while Sunny goes to a class. Hopefully my daughter-in-law, Lorrie, can join us for lunch. Then we'll hit Costco and head home.
Until next time, have a wonderful couple of days before the cooking starts. Come back again.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Little Plain Jane Card
Friday, November 20, 2009
Another Layout Share
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Animal Share
My card share today is a birthday card done with SU stamps retired. I don't have alot of SU but of the ones I have I love this one. Its on a shave cream back ground. The theme for the swap was ocean and that's what the background reminded me of.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Torn Frame
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Grandparents Layout
This mornings share is of my youngest grandson's birth. The layout is from
I found a saying this morning that I really like and it's fits my life pretty well. Hope you enjoy it. "Life is a journey not a guided tour. So don't miss the ride and have fun, you don't get a second chance."
Have a great day, come back soon.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My First Layout Share
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Mask Frame
No new snow this morning, I'm so glad. Driving wasn't to bad yesterday, just wet roads, which I can handle. My classes went fine. Each day I gain more children. Have 6 in each class. Love that I have some boys interested. Hoping after Thanksgiving I get a few more and they stay with me as I want to cover their notebooks in cloth to make them look like albums.
Today's share is from the image swap, only a few more cards to share in this swap. This is a real cute snowman, not sure who he's by but there is just a bit of Cranberry and Bamboo ink on him. the Mask Frame is from Technique Junkies. The background is stamped with Cranberry and Bamboo snowflakes from the Winter's Magic set Hostess set that's retired from CTMH, then sponged with both colors and layered on both. The ribbon is from my stash.
I have 2 more cards from this swap then I'm going to have to get busy. Which will happen big time the Friday after Thanksgiving. That day the sisters get together and make our Christmas cards. I should explain, I have a sister and 2 brothers, but have gotten 2 more sisters from them. Anyway, we always inviting our girls to join us and sometimes we get a taker, mostly the daughter-in-laws. But we have a ball, we usually go all day while the guys watch football. It's a fix it yourself food day, because of all the leftovers. We have ended up making as many as 30 cards a piece. We could probably make more but we talk alot and giggle. Course our critics take a break and tell us what we need to do to some of the cards. It's just a wonderful day of family closeness that we all enjoy. Each year it's some place different, next year may be the National Street Drag Finals in Las Vegas.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings and checking out my cards. Until next time, have a wonderful day.
Friday, November 13, 2009
First Snow
Yesterday, I completed both my doggie blankets, I'll take pictures later and share. I think there real cute. We don't have dogs, just cats. Now saying that, we have a new one. A little black male wondered in the other day. Our siamese isn't sure if he likes him or not. We did see him bring this little one across the field. So, now we have Pete (Siamese ally cat) and Jake (field cat). We seem to have this thing where animals are concerned. When we don't want any one shows up. They are going to have to learn to travel.
The card I'm sharing today is from the image swap I'm in. I don't know who the stamp is by, but it was tough to come up with something to put on it. I used the masking technique and stamp rolling to stamp the trees, from Beauty of Christmas, retired CTMH. The ink used was Garden green with Ponderosa Pine for the trees and saying. The bottom and top were colored with Cranberry marker. The hanger with Sunflower. I then used a double stick paper and covered it with fine beads from my stash. The background paper is from a Christmas pack from CTMH that's now retired and Cranberry cardstock. The brads are from the Essential from CTMH. The ribbon is from my stash. I've never used beads before so this was pretty cool and a good learning experience. These little beads like to travel when using them. The beads seem to mute everything I think.
Well, it's time to get off here and get busy for the day, so I'll have more to share later on. Have a great day, with or without snow. Come back again.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Snowman Share
Today is my youngest brother's birthday and I forgot to scan his card before I sent it. So for today I'll use one for a swap I'm in. This is the image swap, so if you know who this stamp is by please let me know. The paper is Hydrangea from CTMH, I ran it through the cuddlebug using the snowflake folder, then sanded it. The hat is colored with Hydrangea marker and the stars with Sunflower marker, again CTMH. I took some White Daisy cardstock and ran it through the cuddlebug for the white using the same folder and stamped with a customer Connections Club give away by CTMH from a few years ago. The snow flakes were all stamped with that set and cut out and glued to look like a wreath. A White Daisy Organdy bow completes the card. Coming up with something for this image was a real challenge for me. I went though 2 Card Making magazines before combining two different cards to get this one. I'm still trying to find my niche when it comes to card making.
Come back again soon and leave a comment on my progress in the card making field.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Quiet Time
Friday, November 6, 2009
Good Morning